上禮拜收到Leeds University’s conditional offer之後 我就越來越緊張
目前學校接受我的申請了 要是因為我試沒考好 那不好什麼都白費了嗎?
可是我實在是沒有什麼時間準備 所以對即將到來的IELTS test 沒什麼信心耶
我覺得英文系是一個很尷尬的科系 如果你讀英文系英文還不好 實在是很慘的一件事 而且每個人都會英文 連幼稚園小朋友都會來個ABC蹺口令 所以會英文實在沒什麼了不起 當初應該把法文學好的 日文我是整個都放棄了....會得還不是就是日劇的那幾句...實在是很無趣
以前的工作很international 每天short conversation是必要的 遇到ABC同事還得聊上好久。自從在現在的公司上班後 conversation變很弱 完全沒有練習英文的機會,就算有也是跟老日,但老日其實也不喜歡跟你蹺英文阿
昨天Jamie打給我 說University of Westminister已經收到我的申請 要我寫個essay....寫essay不就是寫essay嗎? 剛開始覺得還好的感覺 傻眼的是隔天就要馬上MAIL過去了..... Westminister我只能說算你狠 那時我正要去補習的路上.......回到家都已經10點多了....只好趕快看一下essay題目,幸好Jamie幫我找了些reference...我看了看消化了一下,擬好大綱已經半夜2點了.....
目前學校接受我的申請了 要是因為我試沒考好 那不好什麼都白費了嗎?
可是我實在是沒有什麼時間準備 所以對即將到來的IELTS test 沒什麼信心耶
我覺得英文系是一個很尷尬的科系 如果你讀英文系英文還不好 實在是很慘的一件事 而且每個人都會英文 連幼稚園小朋友都會來個ABC蹺口令 所以會英文實在沒什麼了不起 當初應該把法文學好的 日文我是整個都放棄了....會得還不是就是日劇的那幾句...實在是很無趣
以前的工作很international 每天short conversation是必要的 遇到ABC同事還得聊上好久。自從在現在的公司上班後 conversation變很弱 完全沒有練習英文的機會,就算有也是跟老日,但老日其實也不喜歡跟你蹺英文阿
昨天Jamie打給我 說University of Westminister已經收到我的申請 要我寫個essay....寫essay不就是寫essay嗎? 剛開始覺得還好的感覺 傻眼的是隔天就要馬上MAIL過去了..... Westminister我只能說算你狠 那時我正要去補習的路上.......回到家都已經10點多了....只好趕快看一下essay題目,幸好Jamie幫我找了些reference...我看了看消化了一下,擬好大綱已經半夜2點了.....
今天將我昨天擬好大綱的檔案帶到公司,但資料全部變成亂碼,因為我家工程師幫我弄了最新版2007 office,但最新版的office 與以往的office system不相容,除非在存檔時有先存成舊版本,不然呢是不能用滴....所以呢? 看著昨天擬好的一堆亂碼和傻眼的我,真不知道要感謝我家工程師幫我灌了最新版還是恨他呢....
只好重頭再來一次囉! 到了下午3點 我終於硬是把essay寫出來 比他要求的300字多了1倍......但腦細胞死了很多倍....
我覺得大學時我們趕essay是一種功力的累積(尤其是emily老師的課) 雖然寫到最後我已經有點不知所云 但至少知道如何先擬abstract and outline 總之我今天累了 幸好還有Jamie幫我修了一下 Westminister的硬式作風真是算你狠
my essay ,final version
The title of essay: Analyse the communication challenges facing an organization that you know and summarise how you would improve its communication
Candidate: Yi-Cheng , Lin
Communication has been the challenges to the enterprise. The enterprise where I’m working is also facing this sort of problem. Due to the fast growing in the past there years, the employees number has been rising from 1000 to 6000, and the expansion of the company is from 1 factory to 5 factories in the past three years. In addition, the investment of 3 new factories is going to be continuing in the next two years. Therefore, the enterprise will face many problems between internal and external communication, how to delivery the correct and immediate information to them is necessary for an organization.
The fast growing has brought not only good reputation and profit, but also many problems and conflict to the company. First of all, the company still uses the old management method to carry on the business instead of creating the new ones for the expanding company. In the second, I think the un-built relationship led to the vague organization. Once an emergency happened, there would be no correct contact window for employees to communicate with. Finally, the related administration department, such as the HR department (Human Resources) and the MISD (Management Information System Division) did not emphasize the change of the company. Because the company has extended, the manpower management must change or the HR department will face a difficulty of management continuously. And the MISD’s aim is to build up the office system in the office to complements the lack of communication. Due to the high-speed growing, and the well-systems should be done by MISD. But most of time, they are always slow than the expansion. These are what the administration department should review for.
The most important issue is that HR and MISD do not have a close relationship. There are too many people in the company, and things change rapidly. These two departments should be more discreet while the whole situation is lack of foresight. In my opinion, a big mature company should have completely systems and plan. My company has almost 150 departments and it is not very easy to know each other. Therefore, the perfect human inquire system on our inner website should have integrity data including the employees names, extension number, department name, title, related colleagues, and the personal photo to let people get more close to each other. The enterprise can promote the efficiency by using this close contact net
The situation in my company still confusing, we do not establish a communication way yet. The above problems, I think it can be clearer if I use SWOT analysis.
a.) the company’s future is bright b.) the company is flexible c.) the company’s growing if fast
a.) the wrong communication b.) system build is slow that high-speed growth c.) none of serious management
a.) learned from other mature companies b.) all the system and equipment are new
a.) no internationalization b) the management has been changed.
To sum up, there may many ways for improving these difficulties. I would like to list three of them. The first is now this company is in the transition from the old to the new, we should strengthen the communication system such as establish a definite communication ways for the employees which will be more clearly for the organization, and thing can be just done effective. Second, the administrators should encourage more regular review meeting and communication for discovering the problems and gathering all these to integrate a way to solve the problems. The last one is to set up more methods of communication. For example, company can create an anonymous bulletin for employees to post their personal feeling about company or other ideas or thoughts in the company’s inner website. These methods can be done for administrators and employees to strengthened the inner communication.